Sunya - Story
First off, we are trying to build a community over Starknet. We allow users to interact with Starknet. We enable seamless experience and on-boarding. How are we doing that?
Non-Tech Users: "Habits don't happen if it was hard to do!", we enable Gas Tank ⛽ They just use another app in forms of dApp but more secured, seamless, and transparent. Aka meta transaction happen for seamless writing to blockchain for regular users. Gas Tank ⛽ is powered by ArgentX & Dynamic Wallet that that deals with multi signature transactions and our features.
Developers: We are trying connect L1 & L2 with tools:
Compilation & Static Analysis: Before you deploy to mainnet and you don't know about security, don't want to pay high security audit? Least you can do is perform static analysis and we enable developers in our platform. Soon, we'll start doing manual human audits.
Deployment: As we are trying to onboard users into Starknet, we are trying to enable both L1 & L2 deployments enabling meta-transactions.
Verification: For Developers you can get that ✅ on the contract verifying ownership(P.S. DID like AuditRegistry) but you don't have to leave our platform to achieve that, you don't have to search internet, that's boring! 😪
Dashboard: Utilizing Voyager (Blockchain Data from Starknet), Etherscan (Blockchain Data from Ethereum), Herodotus (Provides storage proof for Registered Audit across multiple chain), Tokenflow (Querying transactions and events using queries made easier).
Important Resources: Here's the resources.
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